Gwynn's Garden

I am creating a Memorial to my sister, Mary Gwynn Fraser McGregor, in Hinesville, Georgia. The project was begun January 25, 2018. The Memorial will be a lovely outdoor labyrinth to the right of the Fraser Counseling Center building. Near the entrance to the labyrinth will be a plaque bearing Gwynn’s name and the scripture verse God gave me for my two year walk with her after we were told the cancer had metastasized into the lymph nodes of her neck in May of 2015. Habakkuk 3:19 Amplified Version The Lord God is my strength, my personal bravery and my invincible army. He makes my feet like hinds’ feet and will make me to walk [not stand still in terror, but to walk] and make spiritual progress upon my high places of trouble, suffering or responsibility.

If you would be interested in financially contributing to this Memorial to Gwynn, you can make your tax deductible donations, to the Mary Lou Fraser Community Support Foundation, Inc. and put Gwynn’s Garden on the memo line.

Gwynn was a gardener. She loved planting and nurturing her flower beds around her home and doing the same in the flower beds around her church. In addition, she sowed lovely seeds of love into her family and friends. So I want to put an additional plaque on the side of the Fraser Center building entitled: Gwynn’s Garden. Underneath the title would be the names of those of us who contributed to the Memorial. Speaking for myself, I am personally very grateful to be a seedling in Gwynn’s Garden.

Mail the donations to me,

Sherry Somerville
128 King Cotton Road
Brunswick, GA 31525

Again, Checks payable to the Mary Lou Fraser Community Support Foundation, Inc. with Gwynn’s Garden on the memo line.

That way, I can keep track of those contributing and make sure your name is included on the sign for Gwynn’s Garden. I will be posting pictures of each stage of the Memorial’s development on the Fraser Center Facebook Page and my own. Upon completion, I will schedule a dedication and memorial service for Gwynn to which you are all invited.

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1-25-18 Thin orange outline of a circle on the grass indicates the size and placement of the labyrinth.

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2-13-18 Dirt delivered to raise the labyrinth area. It will be allowed to settle undisturbed for three weeks.

Written by
Sherry Fraser Somerville

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